About OGS
Outdoor Gear Solutions (OGS) was founded by outdoors-men that used traditional or available gear that continued to let us down unless it was modified or rebuilt.
We vowed to start a company where design and field testing rule the day and only produce products that will not fail.
Since 1992, thousands of hours spent trial and error in the field have netted us the products we stand by today.
We will develop and design your products using the same pride we use in the design and development of our products.
Whatever drives you, whether it be going for a leisurely hike to entering a grueling 100 mile endurance challenge; a back-forty hunt to a back-country hunt, we are looking to improve and develop gear to make your outdoor experience more enjoyable!
We would love to hear from you and so would many others about the trails you've discovered, areas of your state that are worth a trip to, or discussions about your past hunts. Become a member and post a comment in our OGS blog. See what others have been discovering as well !